
Post-Installation Wizard Walk-Through

The first time you login to Virtualmin you're going to be greeted with the post-installation wizard. It looks something like this: Go ahead and click next. The first question asks if Virtualmin should run an email domain lookup server. If your server is going to be...

Virtualmin Server at Linode/Akamai

In order to get started I'm just going to assume you already have an account at Linode/Akamai and you own a couple domain names. Blah blah blah blah blah… Let's just get started! When you log into your Linode/Akamai account you'll see something like this: Click on the...

Getting Virtualmin Hosting

Nearly all of the low cost hosting available is considered "shared" hosting. What that means is your website(s) and data are stored on the same operating system installation as other people's [websites and data.] Your data is protected by the security features of the...

Getting Started with Virtualmin

Okay. Real quick. I'll tell you my story. I've been hosting websites and online services for at least 20 years. Generally, the way it's always been done, was that your hosting provider (GoDaddy, NameCheap, Linode/Akamai, etc) would have a deal with some "panel"...